Old Age Support

Helping them live a Life of Dignity, Independence & Self Fulfillment

Status of Old Age People:. An Ironic Statement: Longevity is a Blessing but Age is a Curse. While Scientist and Doctors consistently try to prolong life, societies shun these very being to whom the modern medicine helps live longer. Throughout the country the elderly persons are ignored, not given their rights, abused and even abandoned or killed. Often, their special needs are overlooked.
Today there are 78 million old people in India. This number is likely to rise to 150 million by 2020.There are over 5 million old people in Canada and over 35 million in the U.S.A. There are over 100 million old people in the other developing countries of the World- more than ever before and increasing. Longevity has been one of the greatest achievements of the 20th century. Between 40 -90% of the old people are without Social Security, live below poverty line, are widows, illiterate, abused, neglected, sick or depressed. The centuries old joint family system has disintegrated - with it collapsed the safety net of parents and grandparents. Since the welfare of the aged has been a low priority with the state they have nowhere to turn. They are left disillusioned, shattered and lonely.. Elderly people contribute immensely to the growth of society - provided that they are properly cared for.

Our Objectives :

The aim is to help elders rebuild their own lives and take charge of their own future, help them getting independence and inclusion, and programs to relieve distress, poverty and sickness,restoring within them a sense of self worth & confidence. Our Mission is to alleviate poverty and lack of income-earning opportunities, improve access to care and healthcare, and social, economic and political inclusion.

Projects we are involved in:
To feed needy, deserted, abandoned, homeless Old People : RTH has decided to extend possible assistance to keep the old people in comfort in some extent on humanitarian grounds, who are being neglected and rejected by their own kin and kith. These poor aged people are spending their most of the time in temple, grave yards, verandas of community hall and church yards. In this critical juncture, our volunteers identified them and brought them to our non-profit organization. RTH's goal is to provide one time midday meal to the older persons with the support from individual philanthropists, local donations and corporates.

To help & entertain old, lonely, abandoned, People who are living alone
: To give a place where they can explore their inner abilities, be entertained, talk to people, live their life properly. Taking Old people on outings, for shopping, on day trips, organising Activities and entertainment programs for them.

To enhance the quality of health :Provide corelated health facilities, self sufficiency in each and every individual and ensure a homely atmosphere.

RTH is dedicated to health promotion, health maintenance and disease prevention among the elderly population. Our goal is to have healthier elderly people in our communities. To achieve this, the center has several ongoing projects. In the short term, we are organizing regular clinics, and camps. At the clinics, volunteer doctors administer to the patients, routine investigations are performed, medicines, prescriptions and referrals are given to patients completely free of charge. As part of our ongoing efforts, we have several awareness programmes e.g., Heart and Lungs care, Diabetes, Hypertension through our website, print, and camps.

Causes and Issues to Support:
Rights in Old Age :73% of the 60+ age group in the developing countries are illiterate with a little access to any basic educational means. There is an urgent need to provide older people with the means to lead a full life where they are provided with medical care and nursing. They need to have access to information, entertainment and the right to make their own choices.

Dignity in Life and Death :Older people need to be able to lead a full life with dignity, confident that when they die their last rites will be well taken care of.

Shelter : A home with the family is the most desired. However if the children are unable to take care of their parents, old age homes can provide a viable alternative.There are very few homes with adequate facilities.

Reach the Hearts is one of the leading advocate for Older People's rights.
             We speak up for the grey population to help them live with dignity, independence & self-fulfilment.

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